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Intel Pentium ® III processor 550 MHz, 512K Cache

Intel Intel



512K Cache 100 MHz FSB Intel Pentium III 0.55 GHz 250 nm

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The Pentium® III processor is designed for high-performance desktops and for workstations and
servers. It is binary compatible with previous Intel Architecture processors. The Pentium III processor
provides great performance for applications running on advanced operating systems such as Windows98, Windows NT and UNIX. This is achieved by integrating the best attributes of Intel processors—the dynamic execution, Dual Independent Bus architecture plus Intel MMX™ technology and Internet Streaming SIMD Extentions— bringing a new level of performance for systems buyers. The Pentium III processor is scaleable to two processors in a multiprocessor system and extends the power of the Pentium® II processor with performance headroom for business media, communication and internet capabilities. Systems based on Pentium III processors also include the latest features to simplify system management and lower the cost of ownership for large and small business environments. The Pentium III processor offers great performance for today’s and tomorrow’s applications.